Young & Emerging Professionals

Creating Connections!
A Young & Emerging Professional (YEP) is...

An individual who is 35 or younger or has only 2 years or less of experience in the roofing industry.

Quick Facts:
  • Mission Statement: To build interest, create awareness, and provide opportunity for young or emerging professionals in roofing and related careers.

  • Vision: To help YEP's by creating long-term value for young and emerging professionals, by helping them build  strong personal and professional relationships, and by creating awareness of the positive attributes young and emerging professionals bring to their employer, the roofing community and future of roofing industry in Colorado.

  • Founded: January 2020 

  • REENGAGED: 2023

YEP Shoot the River - July 2023
Why get involved?

CRA YEP's are building the future of roofing industry professionals by...

  • Creating connections that RETAIN and inspire young and emerging professionals to join and stay on a career path within the roofing industry.

  • Making roofing appealing... from the roof top to the many other career options within the industry.

  • Community-focused... giving of “time, talent and treasure” to help make life better for other people

  • Recruitment… of young and emerging professionals new to industry as well as workforce recruitment at job fairs and schools (traditional and trade-related).

Find out More!

  • Communicate. Add yourself to the email list that our YEP leadership uses to keep you apprised of YEP-specific updates, meetings, learning sessions, and volunteer opportunities that are happening. Sign up for updates.

  • Attend. Be sure to attend programs and meetings to gain insights and experience and to expand your network. Check out the next YEP event below or  View the event calendar. 

  • Sign Up to receive notices about events and activities. 

Please add me to the YEP Contact list.

  • Join the YEP LinkedIn group. The YEP LinkedIn Group is where we'll share meeting and event invites, learning sessions, successes, volunteer opportunities, and more.



YEP Newsletters


January: None

February 2025

March: coming Soon

Feb 10 | 2nd Annual YEP Snow Day

Sign Up Now

A-Basin | The Beech

Free Event: You just provide your lift ticket.

More INFO | Let us know you're coming!