April 2022 Newsletter
I don’t know about you, but generally speaking I stay away from the subject of politics like the plague. I understand that everyone has their own opinions and it’s better that I don’t engage them in a discussion on political topics. This preserves relationships I treasure. And besides that, there is about a zero chance of changing anyone’s mind.
That being said, I do want you to consider dipping a toe in the political water. A lot goes on at the Colorado state legislature every January – May when our elected legislators meet to discuss and act upon the plethora of bills that are brought forth every session. Some bills are dead on arrival and get assigned to “kill” committees never to be seen again. Some bills gain a little traction and move down the line but never make it to the finish. Some bills are hot buttons, with lots of spirited debate and testimony from the general public about the impact of the bill on their lives/livelihoods. And this is where the Colorado Roofing Association comes in.
We have a legislative committee that monitors all the bills working their way through the legislature during the session (see legislative section below for current bills of importance). They may be favorable/unfavorable to our industry. And not only that, but we belong to the Colorado Contractors Coalition (https://coloradocontractorscoalition.com/) where we share two very talented lobbyists who represent the roofing industry, as well as other construction trades, at the legislature. The cost of hiring our lobbyists is currently shared between the CRA, The American Subcontractors Association of Colorado (ASAC) and The Rocky Mountain Steel Construction Association (RMSCA). These associations comprise the membership in the Colorado Contractors Coalition.
It's extremely important that our voice, as an industry, is heard at the legislature. When our lobbyists are working on our behalf, they are assuring that those legislators they meet know how the roofing industry feels about a particular issue. They advocate for us when there are bills that are good for roofing, but arguably just as important is the work they do to prevent the passage of bills that are bad for business. But as I said before, it is not free to have our voices heard at the State Capital. Last week I attended a fundraiser for this purpose at Top Golf. I couldn’t believe how many trades were represented. But I was only one of a few representing the roofing industry. There have been several important pieces of legislation (we were instrumental in reducing retainage on public/private projects to 5%! in 2021) that I believe were a direct result of our efforts to influence legislation that was of real benefit to our industry.
You don’t have to debate politics! You don’t have to try and change someone’s mind on an issue. Heck, you don’t even have to dress up! Just come to one of our next fundraisers and help us support the work that’s being done by our lobbyists. I understand if you don’t like discussing politics, but I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy a nice evening out at one of these fundraisers. And in the process, you assure that the voices in the roofing industry are being heard!
Suzie Boyd
Academy Roofing, Inc.
CRA President
THANK YOU to our 2022 Sponsors!
Safety Webinar & Lunch: Situational Awareness
A tool in preventing accidents!
A recent article in Roofing Magazine stated that a lack of situational awareness is often cited as the cause or a contributing factor in construction industry accidents. Incident reports often contain phrases like “The worker was distracted by ….” or “The crew was packing up after working overtime …”.
Good situational awareness means never having to say, “What went wrong?”
Join us on April 21 for an interactive safety webinar and discover how to practice situational awareness - being aware of what's happening around you - to create habits for your brain to detect hazards and identify safer options.
During this program, participants will:
- Define situational awareness.
- Complete situational awareness exercises.
- Discuss how to identify your surroundings to prevent hazards from becoming an emergency.
Grab a lunch and join us on Apr 21st to learn how situational awareness training can help you and your company prevent accidents/errors and improve performance.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Noon (MST)
Zoom Webinar
Entry Fee = Free
CRA Member CIU’s = 2 per person.
Webinar: Opioids in the Workplace and at Home
Waging a Counterattack!
The opioid crisis is waging a war across the U.S. According to the National Safety Council, approximately 75% of workplaces are affected by this crisis. The number of Americans dying of overdoses grew dramatically during the pandemic. More than 105,000 Americans died of overdoses between October 2020 and October 2021, with 70% being the result of opioids.
According to the Health Institute, Colorado experienced a 38% increase in drug overdoses in 2020 vs. 2019. Construction workers and extended families are disproportionately at risk for soft tissue injuries at work and home (athletics/sports) and from orthopedic, dental, and general medical surgical procedures. Join us to learn how to protect your workforce and your family from opioids through practical and proven first-exposure prevention strategies.
Learning Objectives:
Identify the mental and physical effects of chronic pain, learning alternatives to opioids, and opioid-sparing protocols.
Assess the human and financial consequences of opioids in the workplace, including absenteeism, presenteeism, Workers’ Compensation, and Employee Medical Health Benefit claims.
Learn how Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols optimize surgical outcomes in work- and/or home-related cases.
Discuss recommendations, resources, and tools available to help companies and families address the risk of opioids, including eight practical first-exposure prevention strategies.
Colorado Attorney General Mr. Philip Weiser will join the discussion and will make closing comments on the webinar to discuss State of Colorado’s opioid response and opioid litigation settlement funds earmarked toward prevention.
You don't want to miss the FREE webinar!
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
9 AM (MST)
Zoom Webinar
Entry Fee = Free
CRA Member CIU’s = 1 per person
Click here to view the full 2022 Event Calendar – calendar includes additional event dates, member luncheons, pinpoint seminars, Training Center courses, etc.
Legislative Update
Just a few more weeks to general assembly adjournment on May 11 and the Colorado legislature continues to review and introduce bills (as of the writing of this article); 637 bills to be exact. While we are watching many bills, we wanted to point out HB22-1362 and a few others new bills and updates.
- New -
HB22-1362 - Building Greenhouse Gas Emissions- Concerning the reduction of building greenhouse gas emissions, and, in connection therewith, requiring the Colorado energy office to identify for adoption three model codes, requiring local governments and certain state agencies to adopt and enforce codes that are consistent with two of the model codes, encouraging local governments and certain state agencies to adopt and enforce codes that are consistent with the third model code, creating the building electrification for public buildings grant program, creating the high-efficiency electric heating and appliances grant program, and establishing the clean air building investments fund. Status: House Committee on Energy & Environment Refer Amended to Appropriations.
Amendments made on 04/15/2022 - these amendments do nothing to alleviate the negative impact on housing costs this bill would bring. It will make a tough situation much worse. It will also take control away from the 274 local jurisdictions in our state to adopt their own energy codes. The code requirements are often different in southwestern Colorado are different than the front range and the mountains as they should be. Please contact bill sponsors to oppose this legislation.
HB22-1347 - Workers' Compensation Updates– Concerning workers' compensation, and, in connection therewith, increasing funeral benefits, allowing for advance mileage expense payments, addressing the payment of scheduled ratings, and requiring reporting of certain active medical treatments. Status: House Second Reading Special Order - Passed - No Amendments.
HB22-1354 - Protecting Injured Workers' Mental Health Records. Defines "mental health records" as psychological or psychiatric intake evaluation or progress notes or psychiatric independent medical examination and division independent medical examination records pertaining to a claimant; Requires a mental health provider to provide an insurer with mental health records, as necessary for payment, adjustment, and adjudication of claims involving psychiatric issues; Prohibits the disclosure of mental health records to any person who is not directly involved in adjusting or adjudicating claims involving psychiatric issues without the consent of the mental health provider or claimant. Status: House Committee on Public & Behavioral Health & Human Services: Refer Amended to Appropriations
SB22-161 - Wage Theft Employee Misclassification Enforcement – Modifies laws pertaining to the payment of wages, employee misclassification, and workplace safety, and the enforcement procedures and remedies for violations of those law. This is a significant and complicated bill affecting the employer-employee relationship, will open lien laws and impact work comp and title insurance. Status: Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Business, Labor, & Technology
- Updates -
HB22-1112 - Workers' Compensation Injury Notices - The bill is now law and changes the 4-day notice period to a 10-day notice period and repeals the tolling and compensation reduction provisions. The new law will also alter the occupational illness/disease requirements from 30 days to upon the manifestation of the illness/disease. While there are exceptions to the bill, the legislation significantly improves injury reporting to injured workers benefits that could allow for more claims. Status: Signed by Governor Polis on 3-24-21 and will become law 90 days after the Colorado legislature adjourns.
HB22-1152 – Prohibit Employer Adverse Action Marijuana Use - prohibits an employer from taking adverse action against an employee, including an applicant for employment, who engages in the use of: Medical marijuana on the premises of the employer during working hours. Have heard this may turn into a study. Status: Introduced to House Business Affairs & Labor Committee. Postponed Indefinitely.
if you are aware of any specific legislation coming up in 2022 that will affect our industry, please contact me ASAP so that we can follow and share with the membership. With your help, we can continue to work together for positive changes in the roofing industry.
Stay safe.
Jeff Johnston
The Roofing Company
Gov't Relations Committee Chair
In Colorado, roofers account for 50% of all fall fatalities in 2021.
These deaths are preventable!
CRA is proud to participate with OSHA and many others across the country in the roofing and construction industries to promote and recognize the National Safety Stand-Down on May 2- 6. The purpose of the Stand-Down is to raise awareness of preventing fall hazards in construction.
Here in Colorado and at the CRA, we want to remember lives that were lost, particularly in the roofing industry, and encourage all our members and non-members to participate in the Safety Stand-Down starting on Monday, May 2. Our hope is that you will take a break each day or at least once during the week to have a safety toolbox talk or to conduct another safety activity (i.e., develop a rescue plan, inspect equipment or discuss a specific job hazard).
Steps to Participate
1. First, check out OSHA’s National Stand-Down page for the details on how to participate.
2. Next, conduct a Safety Stand Down! Weather it’s 15 minutes or several hours of training, please take the time!!!
3. Last, share your story with us and OSHA by email and/or social media.
- CRA:
Email Debbie Hathorne your story.
Upcoming Classes | Registration Open
The CRA Training Center has the following class dates coming up. Registration is open. Be sure to reserve now and make sure you've got our spot!
Metal | 2-Day Advanced*
May 12-13
EPDM -TPO | 2-Day Advanced*
May 19-20
Coatings | 1-Day Advanced*
May 24
Introduction to Roofing | 6-Day
July 19, 20, 21 and July 26, 27, 28
* The advanced classes have a prerequisite that you must have taken the Intro class first or provide proof from your employer that student has had a minimum of 6-months field experience.
A special shout out to these companies for their recent material donations!
We wanted to send a big THANK YOU to them for donating materials for use at the training center. We appreciate you and the support of hands-on training goals and for the students who attend!!!
The CRA Training Center is located at 1660 Jasper Street, Unit I & J in Aurora, CO and is designed specifically for roofers and roofing applications. The space can be used for all types of steep and low slope materials and roofing systems. We are ‘application friendly".
CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS...We need your help!
Giving back to the community is a top priority of the Colorado Roofing Association and just as important to the many members of our association.
Since 2015, the Colorado Roofing Association (CRA) has partnered with Habitat for Humanity (HFH) to provide donated roofing material and labor. The Roof Over Your Head Program connects local roofers who are CRA members with an HFH affiliate in their community.
This is an excellent opportunity to give back to your community while earning your full year’s Continuing Involvement Units at the same time. That’s right! Completing 1 community service project fulfills the necessary 8 CIUs for 2022!
Our partnership with Habitat over the years has been crucial to their mission, providing a hand-up – not a hand-out – for deserving homeowners who participate in the construction of their own new home.
Thank you to those of you who’ve participated in the past – we’d love to have you help out again. And to those who haven’t helped with a Habitat project yet, maybe this is your year! A huge thank you also to GAF and their amazing partnership with Habitat for Humanity, as well as our other generous member suppliers & manufacturers who have provided deliveries & materials when needed.
We are looking for roofing contractors to donate their time and labor for the following project areas.
Boulder (Flatiron Affiliate)
Colorado Springs (Pikes Peak Affiliate
Cortez (Montezuma Affiliate)
Grand Junction (Mesa Affiliate)
Idaho Springs/Evergreen (Blue Spruce Affiliate)
Metro Denver
Nathrop (Chaffee County Affiliate)
Pagosa Springs (Archuleta Affiliate)
Rifle (Roaring Fork)
Longmont/Dacono (St. Vrain Affiliate)
Woodland Park (Teller Affiliate)
Let's do this together!
The benefits that a safe, DRY and affordable shelter can have on families and communities who partner with Habitat for Humanity can be long-lasting and life-changing. Together, we can help a family! I want to volunteer!
We are also looking for manufacturers to donate roofing material.
We were lucky to have a lasting supply of shingles for our community outreach projects above and beyond our Habitat partnership, but those have been exhausted and we are reaching out to our manufacturers to assist us. We also have low slope projects we could use help with. If you are interested in donating, please contact Debbie.
WELCOME to 2 New Member(s)…
Meet our newest member(s) who joined this past month.
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Claims Pro Public Adjusters, LLC 4255 South Buckley Road suite 272, Aurora, CO 80013 | 833.252.4600 Claims Adjuster |
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P.O. Box 41270, Reno, NV 89504 | 888.388.2935 Manufacturer |
Longtime CRA Member Richard Burke Passed Away
Richard Burke (65) passed away on March 13, 2022 in Canton, GA.
Richard had 23 years of hands-on roofing experience and 15 years as a roof consultant. From 1983 – 1990 he worked through the Roofers Local Union 32 Rock Island Illinois. From 1990-2003 he worked at D&D Roofing & WeatherSure Roofing here in Denver. Later, Richard began his roof consulting career with Cybercon Engineering in 2015 and in 2018 relocated to Georgia and worked for Southern Roof Consultants South Pasadena Florida.
Richard came up through the low slope roofing business as a” Hot Tar “roofer and foremen. He made a point to become fluent in Spanish so he could better understand and communicate with his crew members.
Richard was a long-time member of the Colorado Roofing Association and the local chapter of the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC), formerly Roofing Consultant’s Institute (RCI). Rich was involved both as a contractor and consultant. He was seen often at membership lunches and seminars. Richard was a Registered Roof Observer (RRO), certified by IIBEC. During 2009-2016, he served as a director and a term as President of the IIBEC Colorado Chapter (then RCI Denver Chapter) Board of Directors.
He was an Iowa Hawkeyes and Chicago Bears enthusiast, enjoyed gambling, fishing, and travel.
He is survived by his wife Tami, two sons Russell and Robert, daughter Jade as well as his mother & sisters.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to:
Colorado Donor Alliance
200 Spruce Street Ste 200
Denver CO 80230.
Joe LaCrue Memorial Golf Tournament | May 20, 2022
On Friday, May 20, 2022, family and friends will come together once again to remember, share stories and celebrate Joe LaCrue with the 2nd annual Joe LaCrue Memorial Golf benefit and fundraiser.
Friday, May 20, 2022
Riverdale Golf Course (The Knolls)
13300 Riverdale Road
Brighton CO 80602
7:30 AM Shotgun
Single, Foursome & Hole sponsorship available. Registration deadline is May 6th.
Please contact Susan Sanchez at 720-635-3100 or by email at joesgolfmemorial@yahoo.com.
Steps to Avoid Pitfalls Related to Cost Escalation and Delays of Construction Materials
Even though contractors may not be able to avoid cost escalation and delays in delivery of materials, Contractors can take steps to avoid dissatisfied customers, losses due to cost escalation, and delay damages.
1) Early Communication – Do Not Wait Until Bid Day. Early and effective communication is important. Contractors who inform their customers early in the process (e.g., well before bid day) of the issues with construction materials help their customers establish realistic expectations for their projects.
2) Include Appropriate Qualifications in the Proposal. Without firm pricing from manufacturers and suppliers, contractors should not submit firm fixed material prices to their customers. For bids submitted to general contractors and private owners, contractors can protect themselves by including a provision explaining that they cannot obtain firm pricing and delivery dates for materials and therefore the price of the proposal is subject to change. The provision should explain that if the price of materials increases between the date of the proposal and the time when the affected material is delivered, the proposal/contract price will also increase by such amount.
3) Do Not Sign a Fixed Price Contract. A contractor who signs a fixed price contract has the risk of cost escalation, unless the contract includes a provision that entitles the contractor to an increase in the contract price if the cost of materials increases. Contractors who inform their customers prior to bidding the project and in their proposals that they expect a cost escalation provision in their contracts are usually more successful in negotiating such provisions when the project is awarded. Watch out for “no escalation” clauses stating that the contractor is not entitled to a price increase. Contractors should delete such provisions from the contract to avoid conflicts.
4) Do Not Sign a Contract Without a Provision Extending Time for Delays in Delivery. Contractors should make sure their contracts include a provision that entitles them to an extension of time for delays in delivery of materials. Language that provides for an extension of time only if the delay is “unusual” may not provide relief because delays are becoming more commonplace. Contractors should also carefully review their contracts for language that would prevent them from obtaining an extension of time. Unbelievably, we have recently seen contracts with provisions stating that the contractor will not be entitled to an extension of time for delays in delivery of materials. Some contracts also state that the contractor will be in default and subject to termination in the event of delays by the contractor’s suppliers. Contractors should delete such provisions from the contract to avoid conflicts.
5) Order Materials As Soon As Possible. Contractors should order materials as early as possible and make sure that their customers know what is needed before materials can be ordered. For example, if approved submittals are required to order materials, contractors should inform their customers that they need approved submittals as soon as possible due to long lead times and should furnish the submittals to their customers as soon as possible and in compliance with any required submittal schedules.
6) Timely Provide Notice and Claims. Contractors should also follow the contractual requirements for notice and submission of claims. Even if you have provisions in your contract to protect you from price escalation and delays in delivery of materials, you could inadvertently waive a claim if you fail to comply with the notice and claim submission requirements of your contract. Note that many contracts do not recognize notice given via email and although you may have arguments of constructive notice, it is best to comply with the requirements of your contract so that you do not have to fight for relief to which you are otherwise entitled under the contract.
If you have any questions, please contact Leanne Prybylski via e-mail by clicking here, or you can reach her via telephone at (404) 469-9187.
Source: HPPS News (4/7)
Construction material prices are 24.4% higher than a year ago
Construction material prices rose 2.6% in February and are up 24.4% on a year-over-year basis, according to www.abc.org.
Nonresidential construction material prices rose 2.5% from January to February and increased 25.1% compared with one year ago. Softwood lumber prices are up 22.2% year-over-year and 5.2% from January to February. Iron and steel prices are up 50.3% year-over-year and down 7.3% for the month. Natural gas rose 65.1% from January to February, and crude petroleum climbed 13.7%.
“It will get worse before it gets better,” said ABC Chief Economist Anirban Basu. “Not only has Russia’s assault on democratic Ukraine created supply challenges in a number of categories, including oil and natural gas, but the reemergence of COVID-19 in parts of Asia and Europe is also poised to produce additional impacts. While many still expect commodity prices to decline later this year, the wait has been meaningfully extended by geopolitical conflicts and ongoing COVID-19 lockdowns. Read full story here.
Roofers in Recovery seeks participants for fundraiser
The nonprofit Roofers in Recovery is looking for 150 roofing contractors who are willing to donate the proceeds from one roof installation to help pay for treatment for 50 roofing professionals dealing with substance abuse. The group wants the installations to be done on June 3 for National Roofers in Recovery Day. Full Story: Roofing Contractor (3/21)
2022 GAF Regional Expo - April 20-21, 2022
You're invited to join GAF on April 21, 2022 Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center, for the 2022 GAF Colorado Regional Expo. All the best business insights, marketing tips and more. Hear from the pros, attend hands-on classes & demos, and expand your business knowledge.
Wednesday, April 20 - Thursday, April 21
Wed: 6:00 PM -9:00 PM | Thu: 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center
6700 N Gaylord Rockies Blvd, Aurora, CO 80019
GAF will be kicking things off with a welcome reception on Wednesday, April 20 at the Mountain Pass Sports Bar at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Register here.
Solar Roofing Sales Representative Opening, Denver CO
Formula Roofing & Remodeling is seeking experienced sales professionals to join its team in Denver, CO! Here is a huge opportunity to join and grow with this reputable organization, exclusively offering a new solar shingle product rolled out in conjunction with a prominent, industry-leading manufacturer. This is a solar roofing system designed by roofers, manufactured by roofers, and installed by roofers. As a Solar Roofing Sales Representative, you will be responsible for driving revenue growth by selling roofing and solar products and services.
Experience with roofing and solar systems is a plus, but not required. Formula Roofing is a fun, family-oriented company offering a competitive commission structure, health insurance, 401k, and flexible hours. Other opportunities also available. If interested please contact Joseph Miller at 303-600-8696 x103 and email your resume to Joe@FormulaRoofing.com.
This month's Building Code updates/notices:
We have a couple update for you this month:
Arapahoe County - As of April 1, 2022, Arapahoe's updated Code and Design Criteria is in effect. The new code follows the 2021 International Building and International Residential codes to address updates and requirements of current best practices for building regulations. Read more.
Boulder County – March 30, 2022: A temporary pause on the issuance of building permits for new structures and certain additions in the unincorporated Boulder County areas of Wildfire Zone 2 (view map) not affected by the Marshall Fire is in effect through June 6, 2022. This pause does not apply to property owners who are building new structures and certain additions, so long as they commit to rebuild to the requirements adopted as Appendix A of Article 19-500 of the Boulder County Land Use Code. Read more.
Denver, City & County of - The City and County of Denver is adopting a new building and fire code, which will incorporate the following 2021 series of international codes, as well as advance the voluntary 2019 Denver Green Code. The city will consider amendments to the 2021 international codes to ensure they work for Denver’s specific climate and context. We will also take a hard look at our existing Denver amendments with the goal of eliminating unnecessary sections, jargon, and complexity. Read more.
Ft. Collins, City of - As of April 15, 2022, the City of Fort Collins has adopted building codes to conform with the 2021 International Building, Residential, and related codes. Read more here.
Resources you can use!
The Building Code & Standards committee has been working hard to bring you a best practice resource document for low slope roofing applications. We are excited to announce that is done and ready to share with all of you.
We have also developed a "Buyer Beware - Understanding Total System Warranties" page on our website that you can use to help your clients understand that all low-slope warranties are not the same. Check it out.
Have you been using the other resources and tools available on the Member Education Page? You should!
- Material Price Escalation and Volatility Contract Provisions courtesy of HPPS Law.
- CRA Wind Calculator EXCEL
- CRA Moisture Calculator EXCEL
- Roofing Best Practices | Residential/Steep Slope
- Denver's Green Building Ordinance Update - Handout
This is a valuable member benefit. Simply sign into your CRA member portal to receive instant access to free reports that hold the most valuable address specific building codes for roofers.
Ready to get started? Click below to pull your free report!
Click HERE to get your free report
* If you don't know your CRA login, click here for instructions on how to activate/create your account.
** You can pull more than one report at a time, but you must return to the CRA Code page to enter each address.
*** Please use caution with the commercial reports which does not take into consideration the code allowances needed on commercial roofing for wind speed, warranties, etc.
Have you heard of any upcoming building code changes with any of the municipalities you work with? Please share them with us by emailing the BC&S Committee via Debbie at debbie@coloradoroofing.org.
National Update: Worth sharing …
Just a few key items we felt were noteworthy from NRCA this month:
Roofing Day in D.C. 2022 held on April 5-6 hosted 224 participants—and 88 people were attending for the first time—during the two-day event packed with motivating and educational speakers, networking receptions and meetings with 173 members of Congress and their staffs. NRCA is happy to report 62% of these meetings were in person, and attendees were able to meet with Congress members from 34 different states (including Colorado). Thanks to everyone who took time away from their businesses to speak with one voice on Capitol Hill. And a special thank you to this year’s sponsors, who helped make the event possible. Please mark your calendars for Roofing Day in D.C. 2023 April 18-19.
Inflation rises to 8.5%—the highest in 40 years. On April 12, the Department of Labor announced higher than predicted inflation numbers with the consumer price index rising 1.2% in March compared with February. This is the highest annual rate of inflation since December 1981, driven mostly by the cost of necessities—food, shelter and fuel.
Formal bipartisan immigration reform negotiations to restart in the Senate. Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) announced they want to convene a group of senators to revive immigration reform discussions as early as this month. This will be an enormous lift going into the November midterm elections. Immigration reform likely will center around the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals population, border security and asylum reform, among other provisions.
Participate in National Roofing Week! National Roofing Week 2022 will be held June 5-11 to raise awareness of the significance of roofs to every home and business and share the industry’s good deeds. Organized by NRCA, National Roofing Week traditionally takes place during the first full week of June and promotes the importance of hiring a professional roofing contractor and making informed decisions about maintaining or replacing any roof system. NRCA also will be sharing its members’ stories through its various social media outlets and Professional Roofing magazine. Members throughout the U.S. are encouraged to share their stories of charitable giving, crew and staff appreciation, and signature roofing projects with NRCA. Want to show support for National Roofing Week? Get your crews National Roofing Week T-shirts! Supplies are limited, so order soon! For more information and to download social media cards and instructions, visit the National Roofing Week page on NRCA’s website.
NRCA CEO Reid Ribble’ to Retire on May 31st.
A second-generation roofing contractor, former U.S. congressman and the first roofing contractor to lead NRCA as CEO, Ribble has brought a unique perspective and leadership approach to the job from day one. His first priority was to determine where the roofing industry believed the organization should focus its efforts. After discussions with NRCA’s Executive Committee, board of directors, members and other industry stakeholders, a new vision statement was created — one that emphasizes the recognition of members as professionals and seeks to unite the industry to that purpose.
Since then, Ribble has worked diligently with NRCA’s board of directors and volunteers on the implementation of NRCA’s overall vision. Whether NRCA’s One Voice initiative, NRCA ProCertification® or Training for Roof Application Careers, Ribble has been highly engaged in instituting the strategy and direction of NRCA’s Executive Committee, chairman of the board and board of directors on behalf of NRCA’s members and the roofing industry.
In addition, Ribble has lent his political expertise to the development and implementation of Roofing Day in D.C. and launched a podcast series that celebrates roofing professionals’ meaningful experiences and stories of inspiration and generosity in the industry. He continues to lead the association and the industry through the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing supply chain crisis, hosting several telephone town halls to connect with members and ensuring NRCA’s website is current with the latest relevant information.
“Reid has led NRCA with unwavering commitment, passion and dedication during his time as CEO,” says Rod Petrick, president of Ridgeworth Roofing Co. Inc., Frankfort, Ill., and NRCA’s chairman of the board. “The roofing industry has benefited from his efforts to enhance the industry’s professionalism, tackle ongoing challenges and unite all segments of the industry, and I have enjoyed working alongside him even though he’s a Green Bay Packers fan.”
“It’s been a joy to work with my friends and colleagues at NRCA for these past five years,” Ribble says. “I have been impressed by the commitment to the industry by our members and industry partners. On May 31, I will retire as interim CEO of NRCA. I am looking forward to spending more time with my wife of 47 years, my children and especially my six grandsons.”
NRCA Chief Operations Officer McKay Daniels will succeed Ribble as CEO June 1. Daniels has served NRCA for three years, managing the association’s daily operations and staff and overseeing member-driven initiatives. He has more than 20 years of experience in nonprofits, government and the private sector.
Source: NRCA.NET
This month’s highlighted member benefits and tools
ADVISORY NOTICE: Roofing Contractors Must Not Act as Public Adjusters – Check Your Contract Language
The CRA Board of Directors has issued an advisory with additional information and details about these public adjuster clauses we have seen being used in Colorado that basically state that the roofing contractor may negotiate or act as a public adjuster on behalf of the owner. This is against Colorado’s Residential Roofing Law (SB38) and it is required that you must be a licensed public adjuster before you take on this role. Click here to view the advisory.
Concerning Ladder Liability. Help us in educating consumers and concerned citizens about the liability and risks involved with unattended ladders set for inspectors.
CRA Safety Group Workers’ Comp Program. Receive a 4%-upfront discount, group or individual loss history dividend calculation and much, much more. Members of the program automatically belong to the CRA Safety Group whose focus is on continuing safety education and training and improving safety in the roofing community. In partnership with Moody Insurance Agency and Pinnacol Assurance. Call Kim Burkhardt. at 303-824-6600 to receive additional information regarding this program.
RoofersCoffeeShop Free Classified Ad. RoofersCoffeeShop is the premier networking site in the roofing industry, helping contractors find information, materials, services, tools, labor and training in one place. Share ideas and stories in our RCS Forum, and visit their classified ads section to sell and find items and get help. Use promo code CRA for your FREE classified ad.
Colorado Contractors Legislative Advocacy Coalition - CRA partners with several other construction associations to make our voices heard as joint members of the Colorado Contractors Coalition. Together we have successfully passed legislation including payment reform (public and private to 5%), bonding requirements, pro-rata liability and construction defect reform policies. Check out the CCC website for more information and to keep up with our CURRENT advocacy efforts.
Delivery of the E-Newsletter to Your Inbox
To guarantee delivery of the newsletter to your e-mail inbox each month, we ask that you add Debbie Hathorne to your address book using the following email: debbie@coloradoroofing.org. By adding this address to your contact list, we hope to avoid spam blockers/junk mail folders and ensure your receipt of the CRA newsletter in your inbox each month. Thank you.
© 2005-2022- Colorado Roofing Association